Friday, April 24, 2009

A Story of an Ipod Nano

T turns 8 next week.
He decided that he wanted a silver ipod nano for his birthday.
We decided that this wasn't a good idea. T has the desire/ability/talent/gift to take every piece of electrical equipment that he ever comes close to (or he can sneak up to his room) and take it apart to figure out how it works. I know some day this "gift" will come in handy and hopefully he will make millions but for now this "gift" doesn't work in his favor. Should I also state for the record that he is a boy, the cost is $149 and he is 8!!!!
I digress from the real story.
We are having a birthday party next week and T took his invitations to school on Monday to give to all the boys in his class. There was one little boy that said he was going to bring T his present the next day because he wasn't sure he would be able to make the party. So imagine our surprise and T's delight when he came home and showed us this! That's right his little friend had taken his brothers ipod, he figured he didn't use it, and gave it to T.
Poor T knew as soon as he saw our faces that he couldn't keep it and kudos to him he didn't complain when I explained he couldn't keep it and I needed to call the little boys mom.
It is never a dull moment around here.....

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