Thursday, April 23, 2009

What was I thinking....

I am again sitting in the BSU library trying to write my ten page paper on the doctrine of the Trinity. Whose idea was it to go back to school? Who thought they could handle 12 credits, a pastor husband, a preteen daughter, two elementary school boys and a dog?! Oh yeah that would have been ME four months ago.
I am so enjoying my classes and being on a college campus but so not enjoying the papers. It's the last three weeks of classes and I have a huge amount of work to do. When all is said and done I will be a total of 75 credits closer to finishing my BA and then who knows what will be next. I would like to do a Masters in Spiritual Formation but if writing is my weakness it might not be the best option for me. Well I guess there will be more time for reflection after the three weeks is over but for now back to the library ... after another cup of coffee....

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