Monday, April 27, 2009

Stepping out in Faith......a reminder.

This post was originally written on August 19th, 2006.
(The first month of our church plant) a good reminder when things get hard.

When we chose (yes it is a choice) to step out in faith by quitting our jobs and starting this church we had an idea of what the stress might look like. We had an idea that our family life could look differently if we didn't keep in place our boundaries. We knew we had to be diligent of not being out every evening of the week for the sake of "ministry". We knew that our kids could get really burned out on church if they got dragged around town to every "ministry" function for again the sake of "ministry". We knew that aspects of our marriage would become more stressful and that we would have to work harder than ever to keep the romance alive. We knew that we would come under attack, personally and professionally simply because we knew we wouldn't be able to make everyone happy and someone was bound to get pissed off. And we knew that financially we weren't making the most wise decision since we were relying on God to provide through others for our primary source of income. So, some may ask (or all of you) why do it? Why take a huge risk like that? What do you have to gain? Well when you take a step of faith like we have you feel and experience God in new and intimate ways. You have nothing to hide since you have sacrificed all for the sake of telling people about Jesus. And you are humbled on a daily basis by the love of others which you know ultimately they are able to show you because of Christ loving them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is so faithful. It's neat to get the email updates from tom still. RYan and I pray for you all often!

HOw do i get a cool background like yours?